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Data protection

Data protection

1. Privacy at a glance
General information:
The following notes provide a simple overview of what happens to your personal data when you visit our website. Personal data is all data with which you can be personally identified. Detailed information on the subject of data protection can be found in our data protection declaration listed under this text.

2. General information and mandatory information
Note on the responsible body
The responsible body for data processing on this website is:

Qube Heidelberg GmbH
Bergheimer Str. 74
69115 Heidelberg
Telephone: +49 6221 187990

The responsible body is the natural or legal person who, alone or together with others, decides on the purposes and means of processing personal data (e.g. names, e-mail addresses, etc.).

Revocation of your consent to data processing

Many data processing operations are only possible with your express consent. You can revoke consent that you have already given at any time. An informal message by e-mail to us is sufficient. The legality of the data processing that took place up until the revocation remains unaffected by the revocation.

SSL or TLS encryption

For security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content, such as orders or inquiries that you send to us as the site operator, this site uses an SSL or. TLS encryption. You can recognize an encrypted connection by the fact that the address line of the browser changes from "http://" to "https://" and by the lock symbol in your browser line.

If SSL or TLS encryption is activated, the data that you transmit to us cannot be read by third parties.

Information, blocking, deletion

Within the framework of the applicable legal provisions, you have the right to free information about your stored personal data, its origin and recipient and the purpose of the data processing and, if necessary, a right to correction, blocking or deletion of this data at any time. You can contact us at any time at the address given in the imprint if you have any further questions on the subject of personal data.

3. Data Protection Officer

Qube Heidelberg GmbH
Bergheimer Str. 74
69115 Heidelberg
Telephone: +49 6221 187990
Fax: +49 6221 187999

We have appointed a data protection officer for our company.

4. Data collection on our website
contact form
If you send us inquiries via the contact form, your details from the inquiry form, including the contact details you provided there, will be stored by us for the purpose of processing the inquiry and in the event of follow-up questions. We do not pass on this data without your consent.

The processing of the data entered in the contact form is therefore exclusively based on your consent (Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR). You can revoke this consent at any time. An informal message by e-mail to us is sufficient. The legality of the data processing operations that took place up until the revocation remains unaffected by the revocation.

The data you enter in the contact form will remain with us until you ask us to delete it, revoke your consent to storage or the purpose for data storage no longer applies (e.g. after your request has been processed). Mandatory legal provisions - in particular retention periods - remain unaffected.

5. Social Media
Facebook-Plugins (Like & Share-Button)
Plugins from the social network Facebook, provider Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA, are integrated on our website. You can recognize the Facebook plugins by the Facebook logo or the “Like button” (“Like”) on our site. An overview of the Facebook plugins can be found here:

When you visit our pages, a direct connection is established between your browser and the Facebook server via the plugin. Facebook receives the information that you have visited our site with your IP address. If you click the Facebook "Like" button while you are logged into your Facebook account, you can link the content of our pages to your Facebook profile. This allows Facebook to associate your visit to our site with your user account. We would like to point out that we, as the provider of the pages, have no knowledge of the content of the data transmitted or how it is used by Facebook. You can find more information on this in Facebook's privacy policy at:

If you do not want Facebook to be able to associate your visit to our site with your Facebook user account, please log out of your Facebook user account.

Twitter Plugin
Functions of the Twitter service are integrated on our sites. These functions are offered by Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. By using Twitter and the "Re-Tweet" function, the websites you visit are linked to your Twitter account and made known to other users. This data is also transmitted to Twitter. We would like to point out that we, as the provider of the pages, have no knowledge of the content of the data transmitted or how it is used by Twitter. You can find more information on this in Twitter's privacy policy at:
You can change your data protection settings on Twitter in the account settings under ändern.

Information We Collect
A conversation via Whatsapp can only be started by you, the guest or prospect. Even if we have your cell phone number, we will not use it to contact you. We do not intend to bother you with advertising, but want to tailor our service to you as best as possible. If you are a regular guest in our hotel, we offer you the option of contacting you via Whatsapp without you taking the initiative. However, we will inform you about this if necessary and obtain the necessary consent for this. Furthermore, no telephone numbers are stored by us, used for marketing purposes or passed on to third parties. If you have any questions about usage, please feel free to contact us.

6. Newsletter
newsletter data
If you would like to receive the newsletter offered on the website, we need an e-mail address from you as well as information that allows us to verify that you are the owner of the e-mail address provided and that you agree to receive the newsletter . Further data is not collected or only collected on a voluntary basis. We use this data exclusively for sending the requested information and do not pass it on to third parties.

The processing of the data entered in the newsletter registration form takes place exclusively on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a DSGVO). You can revoke your consent to the storage of the data, the e-mail address and their use for sending the newsletter at any time, for example via the "unsubscribe" link in the newsletter. The legality of the data processing operations that have already taken place remains unaffected by the revocation.

The data you have stored with us for the purpose of subscribing to the newsletter will be stored by us until you unsubscribe from the newsletter and deleted after you have canceled the newsletter. Data stored by us for other purposes (e.g. e-mail addresses for the members' area) remain unaffected.

7. Integration of services and content from third parties (plugins and tools)
Content from third parties, such as reviews from Customer Alliance, videos from YouTube, maps from Google Maps, etc., are integrated into our website to make our website more attractive, informative and even more convenient for you to use. To do this, the providers of this content ("third-party providers") must perceive the IP address of the user, since without the IP address the content could not be sent to the browser of the respective user. The IP address is therefore required for the display of this content. Data processing is therefore based on Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 Letter f) GDPR. We endeavor to only use content whose respective providers only use the IP address to deliver the content. However, we have no influence on this if the third-party providers use the IP address, e.g. B. save for statistical purposes. As far as this is known to us, we inform the users about it.

8. Data protection information for applicants
We are pleased that you are interested in us and are applying or have applied for a position in our company. We would like to provide you with the following information on the processing of your personal data in connection with the application.

Which of your data do we process? And for what purposes?
We process the data that you have sent us in connection with your application in order to check your suitability for the position (or any other open positions in our company) and to carry out the application process.
On what legal basis is this based?
The legal basis for the processing of your personal data in this application process is primarily § 26 BDSG in the version valid from May 25th, 2018. According to this, the processing of the data required in connection with the decision on the establishment of an employment relationship is permitted. If the data is required for legal prosecution after the application process has been completed, data processing can take place on the basis of the requirements of Article 6 GDPR, in particular to protect legitimate interests according to Article 6 Paragraph 1 lit. f) GDPR. Our interest then lies in the assertion or defense of claims.
How long is the data stored?
Applicant data will be deleted after 6 months in the event of rejection. In the event that you have consented to further storage of your personal data, we will transfer your data to our pool of applicants. The data will be deleted there after two years. If you have been awarded a position as part of the application process, the data from the applicant data system will be transferred to our personnel information system.

To which recipients will the data be passed on?
Your applicant data will be viewed by the HR department after your application has been received. Suitable applications are then forwarded internally to the department heads for the open position. Then the further process is coordinated. In principle, only those people in the company who need it for the proper running of our application process have access to your data.

Where is the data processed?
The data is processed exclusively in data centers in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Your rights as a "data subject"
You have the right to information about the personal data we process about you. In the case of a request for information that is not made in writing, we ask for your understanding that we may then request evidence from you that proves that you are the person you say you are. Furthermore, you have the right to correction or deletion or to restriction of processing, insofar as you are legally entitled to this. Furthermore, you have a right to object to the processing within the framework of the legal requirements. The same applies to a right to data portability.

You also have the right to complain about the processing of personal data by us to the supervisory authority for data protection, see above.

You are also entitled to lodge a complaint with the State Commissioner for Data Protection in Baden-Württemberg, Postfach 10 29 32 in 70025 Stuttgart, at:, Tel: 0711-6155410.

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